Monday, October 20, 2008

More Randoms

Think this was at Gotham(Mudu looks wasted)

Drinking with the Jew in Brewerkz

At Gotham Penthouse with the Jew on my Birthday Partayy

In Dolce with Jess and Kaz on my birthday :)

Love you guys heaps!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Taken at the clubs and society gathering(blindfolded and had to run about)

KEN(he stole my shirt), the PUNDEK, LUKE and MISS JADE :)

Was indeed a great night!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


DD trying her best to drive a stick, trust me it's hilarious. I almost shit myself. lol

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Random Fun!

Taken at Cindy's 18th birthday :)

My shirt looks very animated lol


I wonder everyday why chicks here have serious unresolved issues which in my opinion shows cause to be extremely emotional. Life is still awesome as always, just need to meet the right people, but the probability of meeting someone who is of my taste looks bleak. I'm still absolutely curious who this "LOVELY" character is. Please do reveal your identity to me.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


This was taken from my smoking corner right outside college.

It has now been close to 4 months since i first started school inSunway College JB.It wasn't as bad as i expected it to be. I'm very content with the school and my friends from school. Alot of great friendships have been formed. Was just dissapointted with the selection of women at school. Oh well life's a bitch, just got to deal with it. There's never quite a boring day at school. OK i LIED! It does get uttely boring from time to time but at least we have 1 ping-pong table? haha i know it's sad. A typical day of school for me would start at 8 30, i'd probably reach school by quater past, have a cigarette before i enter the compound, talk to the guards for a little while, see how they are, then i'm off to the cafeteria. Buy a bottle of mineral water and head up to my classroom.
First time the pundek has actually been doing work!!!

I usually have a 3 -4 hour break inbetween my classes everyday except for fridays where i have only 2 breaks throughout the whole day. I'll usually have brekkie with colin and probably lunch with DD or the both of them. We'll usually either jam or play table tennis when we get back to school and have nothing else better to do. After all my classes, which end at 5 30, i'll head down to starbucks in Jusco to have my cuppa and chillax. Then i head home :)
Pundek thinks he's damn KOOL!!

I'll write more about my school in my next post =D

Have a good one!

xx xx

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Well was really under the weather yesterday, but still hung out with DD. Met Daniel, Joel and Dickson at starbucks. We basically chilled for a coupla hours talking most of the time. Walked about City Square as i needed some fresh air. A little too tired/sick to blog today, just decided to put up the pictures we took last night. I'll blog again tomorrow. =D

Macha Cop and I

Hope everyone's doing fine and dandy.

Have a good one!

xx xx

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Still under the weather :(

Just a random from when i was in Egypt, fuckin awesome time i had there! One of the best vacations ever!!

Hey everyone, how guys going? Good i hope. The bug has been going around like wild fire! Still have this utterly horrible flu. It sucks! Life on the other hand does not :) YOU are still driving me INSANE!! Oh well, don't think it's mutual at this point of time, or if it ever was. Anyways, had a pretty darn awesome holiday! Saturday night, met up with a couple of mates, had the fuckin most awesome ride on the trailer part of a pick up truck. Really really woke the crap outta me:) Danbob and I were at the back seat, as the pick up had its cabin fully occupied. Tommy was going at least 120 down the Permas bridge, danbob almost shat himself, i was just thinking if it would have been safer if there were seat belts at the back! Was absolutely insane! I must say, Cheng is a mad man. Ride was awesome. Was fuckin sick on Sunday, chilled with my daddy in the afternoon, went to jusco to do some shopping. Got back and slept till midnight. Intended on staying up till school started, but decided to crash, skipped my economics class and went for chem instead. Met up with Cindy, Joel and Dick after school, had my coffee and went to Cindy's place to play the Wii. Evelyn joined us as well, don't think she was in the best of moods, cheer up aye? Had fun playing on the wii, afterwhich we had dinner at Maccas. Chilled there for abit, talked about stuff. Had a pretty dandy day i reckon! :]

Mudu being a damn jew, telling the bar boy why the whiteman and I own the bass.
Great Times!

Since the bodo left for england, my friday nights have been pretty boring as everytime i've been back in JB, we'd used to find interesting to do. May it be walking from City Square to Century Garden to the snooker center or our runs to unkown places or goin drinking and getting absolutely wankered! Miss those days, am definately goning to to visit him either in england or in finland:)

Hope everyone's doing alright [:

Well take care and have a great one!!!

xx xx

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sick :(

I'm pretty sick, horrible infectious flu! I'll blog once again, when i do feel better.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

You're Drivin me Crazayyyyyyy!!!


Just CAN'T get YOU outta my head!


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Fun Fun Fun =D

The Walk of Shame!!

Had heaps of fun today! Woke up at about 11? Didn't really do that much whilst i was in my daze. Went for golf with Colin and Ken, my shots were pretty decent today, was totally feeling it. Something absolutely hilarious came out of the trip at the driving range. Whilst having a smoke by the bench, i see a club hurtling in the air, i look to my left, i see a grin. Someone swung wildly and flung his club to the 50 meter line, not going to tell you who, but that someone had to pick up the club. The club actually flew further than his balls actually went, and it also flew straighter. I've only imagined an occurrence like this, but seeing it with your own eyes would just crack you up till your nuts fall off!! Lucky thing, only 2 other people were at the driving range, imagine if it had been a weekend? He did ask me to come along with him to pick the club up, but i refused and passed him my cap(for safety reasons:P) The resident pro golfer who was having a go at the driving range cracked up with it happened, he asked us to take pictures, if not for him, it would never have occured for me to take any pictures. After golf, we had lunch at KFC in Holiday Plaza, which i swear is the most " LA LA" place on Earth, you can't really get anymore "LA LA" than at Holiday Plaza. Only good thing is that it's the only shopping mall in JB where you can still smoke inside :] Met Boss and her family, hung out for a little while then picked up Able, hung out at starbucks for a few hours, and planned our evening. Had many ideas thrown around, but decided on playing badminton. Met Deeds and her mate at starbucks. Forgot his name though. They were going to catch a movie.

Met up with Victor at some badminton place in Plentong, it was such an desolate area, had to go through a kampung, which may i add, had no street lights, only people who know where the place is would be able to locate it. Had an hour playing badminton, which was wayy wayy too short! We're probably going to make this a weekly outing, which i think would be awesome, not played badminton in the longest time, only started playing this year after 4 years of absence. Feel like playing futsal tomorrow, we might, i hope:) My day was filled with excitement! Had a BLAST! I'm craving for some bud, but everyone's dry!!!

My download for Young People Fucking is finally complete, gonna watch it now!

Well i hope YOU had a day as entertaining as i did:)

Have a great evening ahead

Ashy Ash

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy Holidays/Am happy but bored :)

This right here, is a work of art. His name is Uncle Leslie. He's not that old though, he's one of my closest friends, he's ah pek. He'd kill me if he read this post. lol! He owns a cyber cafe and he's one of the partners of Kooji Wear. Again, he's an Ah Pek. A former Johor Basketball star, a DOTA legend, and i need to stress again, an AH PEK !!!! Loves you Leslie Ting!

Good day everyone! It's been awhile since i last blogged. Finally am on my holidays, much needed one i guess? Okay, i lied, not needed at all, I've just been bumming around for wayy wayy too long now. Days off school, though not needed are always pleasant:) Had only like 4 hours of sleep, once again on monday night, had to go to my chemistry class at 8 30, had a practical test, a back titration, that went pretty decent i reckon. After which i decided to head home as i needed to catch up on some well deserved rest, but instead Colin insisted that i kept him company till Boss was done with her class, had to drive Ken's car to the car wash whilst he was in class, afterwhich i really wanted to go back. When i parked the car in school, i was compelled to play table tennis in recreation room. Ended up staying there till 4ish. I was pretty fuckin knackered off my nut! Then i finally decided to go back, but instead, again, i ended up sitting at starbucks enjoying my cuppa. Then one my mates calls and asks me to meet her at City Square, not seen her in the longest time. So, hopped on a cab and made my way City Square, got there at about half past 5, went to usual spot, thank god it was up and running again, though you can still get the stentch of an electric fire. Met the Macha(Able), Sarah, Farez and another dude. Sat down with em, ended chillin with em for like and hour and a half, whilst waiting to go meet danbob. Went to the arcade, played a few rounds of daytona, which, ive not played in awhile. Was good fun. Played another japanese game, which was a little weird to start off with, but was quite entertaining. Met Mattson when i was goin out of the arcade, chillax with him for abit and then met my mates afterwards. Danbob had to cancel as he was out with his parents. Apparently he has a new hair cut? Don't know how that's gonna pan out. lol. Finally got a Digi line, everyone's been bugging me to get one, and got my old phone to work again, just had to get a new charger, but couldn't be arsed to get one till yesterday.

Miss all my mates in Singapore, especially, Kitty! Not seen her in the longest time, last time i remembered seeing her, we smoked up on orchard road and got absolutely WANKERED after that:) Good times, Great times, Some of the greatest moments in history! Don't worry guys, i'll be in town this saturday! Can't wait to meet up with the whole crew. Paul, Brendan, Doogie, Kitty, Tara, Sarah Small/Stein, Lincoln and Jessicaaaa, whome i miss the most and most definately adore heaps loads! <3 style="text-align: center;">This just a random i took at Danga Bay, monkeyin around in the kiddos park, after skateboarding.