Tuesday, January 13, 2009

night out with lexa

Had an awesome night out with lexa on sat, got absolutely wankered again! God.......life is goooood!

HAHAHA wass sooooooo drunk!

my biatchh

more drinks even after we got back to hers

been awhile

hey folks it has been awhile aye? Happy New Year cunts!! hope you had a blast :)
was in europe for about 3 weeks in december, had a fuckin blast! well its about time i uploaded them pictures

Was in Budapest in Hungary

On my dad's bestmates yatch, cruzin down the danube

Think it was in Prague?


Well have heaps and heaps more pictures, think a 1000 odd? ill upload more in time to come

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Havin a fuckin BLAST!!!

Went skiin for a coupla days, which was awesomeee indeed! Was in germany and the czech republic for a couple more days, am in poland, gonna check out a nazi concentration camp in the morning, would be a sight indeed.


Sunday, December 7, 2008

I'm leaving on a jet plane

I'm going back to Europe on wednesday, first to switzerland we're going skiing in the jungfrau region, it has been a year and a half since i last went skiing. Then to Germany to visit some of my dad's college mates. After germany we will be travelling around eastern europe for a few days, and finally we're flying to london. Gonna have a fuckin awesome time when i get back, many people to see, many things to do. I'll post pictures when i come back, which would probably be after christmas.

Am coming down with a lung infection, bought anti-biotics from the pharmacy earlier, hope they work.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year(will be back for NYE)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Holidays are on

Holidays have finally commenced! Ain't got nothing to do with school till next year. Time for me to
1. Work out
2. Get my PS 3 fixed after about a year of not being in commission
3. Smoke up as much as possible
4. Drink
5. Smoke more shit
6. Drink more
7. Smoke more shit
8. Drink the house down
9. Repeat 1, 8 & 9

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What is beauty?

Like black is to white, beauty is to the ugly. Relativity is key to understanding how the world goes round, i'm not talking about Einstein's theory on it, but it is pretty similar. What exactly makes something beautiful? Is there a clear defining line where it fall upon? There has to be indeed a distinction between the both. To each his own, no one can say that another has had the exact same neurological chemistry or life experience, this is what makes us different, unique.

For there to be beauty, there must be the ugly. Is it possible for everything to be beautiful? It is not! There would be no comparison, hence it being monotone. For one to truly appreciate beauty, the ugly has to be acknowledged. A clear rule has to be formed, distinguishing beauty and the ugly. It would be a lie to say that everyone/everthing is beautiful.

Like positive is to negative, good is to bad. Everything is relative. Your beliefs and experiences make you what you are, and so, put relativity into perspective. An empty sheet of paper, could be inferred as a plain piece of paper, but to another it could represent an empty space, of an empty heart.There is always an explanation for the explainable, and to the unexplainable, it's a mystery. There is objectivity to most activities, hence relativity.
"To each his own"

Dwell upon this, what makes you really you?

Monday, October 20, 2008

More Randoms

Think this was at Gotham(Mudu looks wasted)

Drinking with the Jew in Brewerkz

At Gotham Penthouse with the Jew on my Birthday Partayy

In Dolce with Jess and Kaz on my birthday :)

Love you guys heaps!