Thursday, October 2, 2008

Fun Fun Fun =D

The Walk of Shame!!

Had heaps of fun today! Woke up at about 11? Didn't really do that much whilst i was in my daze. Went for golf with Colin and Ken, my shots were pretty decent today, was totally feeling it. Something absolutely hilarious came out of the trip at the driving range. Whilst having a smoke by the bench, i see a club hurtling in the air, i look to my left, i see a grin. Someone swung wildly and flung his club to the 50 meter line, not going to tell you who, but that someone had to pick up the club. The club actually flew further than his balls actually went, and it also flew straighter. I've only imagined an occurrence like this, but seeing it with your own eyes would just crack you up till your nuts fall off!! Lucky thing, only 2 other people were at the driving range, imagine if it had been a weekend? He did ask me to come along with him to pick the club up, but i refused and passed him my cap(for safety reasons:P) The resident pro golfer who was having a go at the driving range cracked up with it happened, he asked us to take pictures, if not for him, it would never have occured for me to take any pictures. After golf, we had lunch at KFC in Holiday Plaza, which i swear is the most " LA LA" place on Earth, you can't really get anymore "LA LA" than at Holiday Plaza. Only good thing is that it's the only shopping mall in JB where you can still smoke inside :] Met Boss and her family, hung out for a little while then picked up Able, hung out at starbucks for a few hours, and planned our evening. Had many ideas thrown around, but decided on playing badminton. Met Deeds and her mate at starbucks. Forgot his name though. They were going to catch a movie.

Met up with Victor at some badminton place in Plentong, it was such an desolate area, had to go through a kampung, which may i add, had no street lights, only people who know where the place is would be able to locate it. Had an hour playing badminton, which was wayy wayy too short! We're probably going to make this a weekly outing, which i think would be awesome, not played badminton in the longest time, only started playing this year after 4 years of absence. Feel like playing futsal tomorrow, we might, i hope:) My day was filled with excitement! Had a BLAST! I'm craving for some bud, but everyone's dry!!!

My download for Young People Fucking is finally complete, gonna watch it now!

Well i hope YOU had a day as entertaining as i did:)

Have a great evening ahead

Ashy Ash

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