Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Butterfly Award

Thanks to Janice, i actually got nominated for this Butterfly Award i never heard of. Haha!

The Butterfly Award is an award awarded to 10 bloggers that have a cool blog. Whenever 1 is nominated, they are required to also award to 10 other bloggers he/she knows.
Those who accepts the award shall follow the steps:
1. Put the logo on your blog
2. Add a link of the person who awarded you
3. Nominate 10 other blogs
4. Add links to those blogs on yours
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
The 10 other blogs i'd award to is:
he 10 other blogs i'd award to is:
4. Deeds
5. Ken

Well don't really know 10 people who have blogs but i do like em blogs

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Happy Birthday Janice!! Thanks for inviting me:) Just want to apologise for all that drama i caused. Sorry for ruining the mood of the party. Got wayy too wankered off my nut. Totally blacked out, last i remembered was playing Kent and saying "Game On". Mariee told me all that went on, i guess i got a little wayy to overboard. Want to apologise to Jeremy as well, didn't mean for it to occur that way. Had a blast the other night as far as my memory serves me. Drank abit too much with sleep deprivation. Only had 3 hours of sleep the night before as i had exams in the morning. Shouldn't be using that as an excuse for anything. Didn't mean to offend anyone. My heart felt apologies to everyone involved.

Woke up the next morning, still absolutely drunk, with this acute pain on my forehead, was hurting like a bitch! Apparently i tried sitting down, completely missing the bed, and fell on my forehead. Don't know how i managed that, it would have been more possible if i fell backwards. Made such a fool of myself, Mariee said that it was entertaining. Oh well....."Shit happens, Embrace it". My philosophy in life. Thank you Aruna and Mariee and all those involved putting me to bed. I must have been snorring! Sorry again :) Really am.

Ken picked me up from Austin Hills, had lunch, and met Colin after that. Hung out at the big apple, and talked about stuff. Later that day we went to the driving range with Able, who's back from KL. Missed that fellow. Hit a few balls, was really hung over, wasn't in the right state to carry on, but Colin had fun hitting em balls. Went to church, to repent. Felt like a holy place would do me some good. After which, later on at night we hung out at Colins park, a nice place to just chill out, crashed at his, though i intended on going back home.

Was quite happy that Liverpool beat Everton 2-0 :]

A classic picture of the jewsauce and me at zon, the beautiful fountain where we used to chill at:)
Those were the days, though not too long ago, great times! I think that this was the day that i just got back from London, brought back like 12 dozen Krispy Kremes! Sandy ate like 10 of them even before leaving for eden. Miss that bugger too. Well hope to see Mudu over christmas if he does come back to JB. Most definately going to visit him next summer in Helsinki after my final exams. We'll experience all those things that Mudu talks about when he's back in Finland with his Finnish mates.

She's impeccable, indeed! You know who you are.

Like to apologise again for the blunder i caused the other night. I'm sorry.

Random thought, people in school are weird. Seriously!

Well i've rambled enough for now. Hope you enjoyed this post

Cheers, have an astounding evening ahead:)

xx xx

Post dedicated to Mariee

Taken in my house, such a cam whore!!!!:)

Saarah Mariee I fuckin miss you HEAPS!! Least we'll see each other tomorrow :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I'm really HAPPY !!!


Danbob worshiping me lol was taken when Mudu was still around, miss that bugger!
Reminacing the times we all had:)

Just like to wish Tee Wei Ching a very HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY!! :)

What's cracking people? It's been awhile since i last blogged, well a day? Just got done with my chemistry and economics papers today, was quite taxing but went pretty well. Was Chingy's 18th today, well we had lunch together, the whole group of as at Tarot Cafe. Food there was average, i reckon. Well our paper only started at 2 but we were still late, as usual. There was a invidulator who was in the exam room, who was such a little cunt! Did not like the attitude she gave me when i told her that i did not own a student ID. I hadn't sent in my picture as it must have slipped my mind when we first started school. Lecturers in my school are always extra nice to me, but this fool just had to annoy me before the start my of paper.

Oh well...life goes on:) Left the exam hall an hour after the paper started, had a smoke and decided to play table tennis. Eunice and Chingy decided to join me and the pundek(colin). HAHAHA now everyone calls him that, he like a little brother to me. Whilst playing table tennis with Chingy and Eunice, who were, may i say, spectacular table tennis players! Funniest thing they did was start hitting the ball over the table, like badminton! Was quite entertaining i reckon, was trying to smash the ball on ching the whole time. What an awesome friend i am? Was just for shits and giggles! We secretly bought her a birthday cake, which we intended on cutting at the cafe, but couldn't due to time constraints. Only after we got into our Malaysian Studies class did we go out on the third floor and sing "happy birthday" and get cake all over her face! Was good fun !!! After that we went to the night market in Taman Daya, just to check out what it was like, was actually not that bad:) Went to my usual pit stop in Jusco, you guessed it, Starbucks:) Was pretty dissapointed as the expresso machine wasn't working as due to fears that it might set the place on fire as the starbucks in City Square actually cought fire this afternoon. Won't be chillin there till it reopens i reckon! Well went shopping in hopes of getting a mate a birthday present, but couldn't really find anything that i liked or i thought she'd might like, instead i bought a few shirts for myself:) haha it always happens that way!

Love this hoddie, was able to completely zip it up!
Totally KKK

Well i miss all my mates, who are in London, Singapore and Melbourne. Miss them heaps, those of you who are in Singapore, i'll come visit you soon aye ? I know its been ages since i've last seen you guys, will partay like we used to. School has been taking up a lot of my time, sorry!! Miss the Comedy night at the Melbourne Central Lion, where we used to have 10 dollar jugs and get the best seats which comedians always wonder where we come from and we'd say Singapore! They'll be like you guys aren't asian, we're like no shit mate, alot of us are not born there but spent alot of our lives there, thus it being where we come from:) Home is where the heart is! Shooting down those 1 for 1 shots, getting absolutely smashed. Going to school the next day, Blanchy and I would sit outside Masal sippin our coffees/hot chocolate on a cold winters morning talking about how drunk we got the night before, and that we're still abosolutely wankered off our nuts! Fun times,great times, some of the best times PERIOD!!

This is a classic picture of Laura and I fuckin around the city being absolutely wankered!!

Well readers i guess you have seen and heard quite abit today:) Hope you enjoyed my post!
Have a great evening ahead!

Monday, September 22, 2008

She Drives Me CRAZAYYY

The Pundek and I playing whilst we were walking to the car in the school carpark :)

She drives me CRAZAYYY uhh uhhh Like NO one else uhh uhhhhh
I've gotten my disco groove on, all out of a sudden! My english mock went pretty well i reckon. Wasn't that easy neither was it difficult. Life is gooooooood! Abosolutely Fab! Paper ended at quater past 11, intended on going back home by 12, but instead stayed on with Ken and the Pundek till like 3 30. Just chilled out, went to the big apple at tesco, and played a couple of games of winning eleven with the Pundek. On our first match, i was leading 1-0 with Liverpool against Chelsea, but i lost 3-1 to that damn pundek!!!! haha...just started playing winning eleven on the PSP. Will most defintely get better soon! Anyways, i've gotta study for my math mock, can't really study, but rather do a few pratice papers.

Da KING!!!! Just lacking a queen i reckon? hahaha

I am indeed a KING!! lol took this picture with danbob and leslie at burger king a couple of weeks back, they were handing out these lil' crowns, just had to put it on!! The 3 of us wore them whilst we were eating, people stared hahaha couldn't really be bothered! Was just for shits and giggles!!! Same day danbob and leslie got their samples. My posts next week are going to be more intellectual, probably going to be discussing about LIFE. With that in mind, please do try to keep up with my posts:) Going to have a shower now, feel all icky! I'll most likely be blogging later on in the evening.

Have a great evening ahead =D

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Mudu as the Jewracle

I don't have the best editing skills in the world but i just think that it is absolutely hilarious!!!



It's been a pretty long day i reckon. Pretty darn knackered! Started off the day pretty late, got up at half past ten, had brunch with my dad at like 12 30 then went straight to school, needed to pick up some economics notes from Stephanie. Checked out the fun fair at school, which, in my opinion was not as great as i expected it to be, oh well.....you can't have everything done your way can you?
Hung out with Danbob, DD, KC(dd's brother who thinks he's a mat, honestly he does!), Syed's brother and David. Went to jusco permas, had lunch at KFC, chillaxed at starbucks, whislt having my cuppa. Afterwhich we got back home. Intended on doing past year exam papers, but never really started:( Well we started the MGB GT just awhile ago, drove it around the estate, without a license, i'm gonna be caught sometime soon lol When that day comes, i'll make sure i'd post it up.

Markus Friis a.k.a Mudu/Jewdu/Da Jew/Jew sauce has been back in Finland for the past 4 months, miss that bodo!! The zon days and the KS sessions along with the Bi-athalons we used to have are being missed

Was taken at danbob's gettin outta jail partayy

Well i have his phone with me, the nokia which im using at the moment, which initially had no working microphone, but i dropped it enough times, it actually started working again. Traded it was a pretty fair exchange, it was traded in for a pint of Strongbow Cider at muddies on new years eve. haha. I've just given up on phones, my phones get stolen/lost/damaged too fast, so i've just stuck to not buying any new phones:) Last year alone, i went through 5 phones, which in the course of 12 mths were missing. It's pretty messed up aye?Thank you Jewdu for the fair exchange!

In December last year, our family went back to england, we decided to go on a road trip. Before we got there, we thought that we were gonna be riding in our range rover, but upon arrival, parked in the foyer was a car, all covered up, i was wondering what it could be, thought it was my uncles car or something, of course, me being me, i took off the car cover, it was a fuckin brand new black Audi RS4. It was fuckin sweeeeeeettt!!!! My old man got a new toy for a xmas present!! Though the RS4's small, we didn't mind as it is one of the fastest saloons ever built, we went around the UK, stopping at beer gardens, getting wasted as a family :) haha never really gotten wankered as a family. I was my dad's co-pilot(navigator), dad doesn't really get along with technology, thank god for GPS, you don't ever have to read a map again! We drove from england to scotland and then down to Wales, taking scenic routes and through the midlands, which was absolutely breath taking! Don't really have many pictures with me on this computer but here's a picture we took at a castle in Edinborough, Scotland. Scotland's abosolutely gorgeous!!

Thats my mom and my brother
Spent alot of quality time as a family, had a blast, one of the most memorable family vacations ever, though we didn't leave the UK.

I've some random pictures which i'd like to show everyone. Okay....There's this guy from school, a total nutjob! His name's Wei Xian, he's in my course as he dropped out from the Jan intake, he's totally eccentric. He was okay, at the start, but became really pesky after like 4 days, so what i did was, i told him that some chick from class really liked him, and thought that he was HOT. He then was really anxious as no girl has ever liked him, i feel kinda mean for doing so but it was just for shits and giggles. The next day he told us that he couldn't sleep the night before as he kept thinking about the girl, couldn't keep a straight face when he said so. We told him to get the girls attention by calling out her name, he tried, but the girl totally ignored him, we told him that she really said it but she was rather shy about the whole matter. We then got him to write a "LOVE LETTER". What it had written in on it was :-

Hi My name is Tan Wei Xian
I was born of xx of March. 1990
I know you like me but you don't have to be shy
Please call me or sms me when you are free.
I will drop you off back home if you want me to.
my number is 016 xxx xxxx
wei xian

HAHAHAHA isn't this the funniest "LOVE LETTER" ever? Waitt.....it gets even better! After our math class, he goes up to the girl, and says "I'm giving you 3 chances to come back with me"
The girl obviously was trying to ignore him, her friend replied instead, she said "even if you give her a 100 chances, she wouldn't go back with you"
He's was totally pwned!!! More actually did go on, after that day. A tale for another day

THAT's him on the right, i'll explain why this picture was taken this way, well thats a story for another time, don't wanna spoil the fun;)

Well readers hope that i didn't bore you with this post, i've to really get to my books, my trials start tomorrow! Well have a good week ahead!! Wish me luck!

confiding happiness!!

I'm really really Happy for some strange reason? I'm usually always happy, but this time, it euphoria! Felt like writing in again. Well i tried doing a past year chemistry paper like 3 hours ago, but lost my drive, somehow. Now i'm back in full swing! Just learned how to link people up, so if you wanna be linked just hollaa ;) Liverpool drew against stoke city :( oh well....i was a stroke a luck by the stoke side i reckon. "Possibilities, Probabilities, Capabilities, pundek i'm not drunk ok?", don't know why this just came out, but it sounds awfully hilarious in my head. hahaha :)

Ohh....liverpool, you'll do betta innit? Blogging is actually not as bad as i thought it to be. It allows you to express yourself, not that i don't usually, but in words, not by body language and speech. Conveying the message has now become a more tedious task, how i express myself has come down to mere words. I reckon that it would be wayy wayy harder to convey underlaying messages as i'm only given one tool, with speech, you're able to vary your tone and pauses when you say something and with body language, different people can interpret things differently. With a wink, somepeople might look at it as a flirtacious gesture, others might infer it as being weird or gay. With words, it's a little more clear cut and defined as compared to the mentioned.

I think i might use this form of expression as a means to create discussion, debate and thought.

Blogging isn't as bad as it initially seemed to be.

Random event, a damn mosquito just bit me on the head:S it occurs more often than you think hahaha


Saturday, September 20, 2008


This is the MGB, not the same one, have not taken pictures of it yet, but its almost identical

G'day people! I have not blogged in a few days, still getting used to this whole ideology. Life is goooood!! Well....had pretty good news from school yesterday, our math teacher was on medical leave, so 3 hours of math was canceled, how awesome is that? In addition, a whole topic was removed from our mock paper as he had not taught us differentiation, but i reckon that differentiation is easyyy? Left school early yesterday, like really early, went to jusco with colin, ken, steph and melissa. Went to the arcarde with ken and the pundek(colin) haha, played a few games of daytona and then some football game which was rather interesting. Had quite alot of fun:)
I also got a new watch which is fuckin sweet!! It's my new birthday present, sweet arse! Automatic skeletal watch which my dad picked up when he was in london 2 weeks ago. Thanks papa!!!

Well today, woke up at like 7, dad only got back from the market at 8 45, left home at 9 and then reached toast at quater past. My bahasa kebangsaan class starts at like 8 30 but i told my daddy that it started only at 9 30 :P sneaky sneaky......got to class at 10, 15 mintues later, the pundek asks me to go out for a cig break with him, we idle around after our smoke break, see DD and just walk about, as we're about to get in the lift, people tell us that its our break time. Got back into class cause of the bollocks heat, then we decide not to go to class anymore, hahaha how nice of us aye? Hung out with Deeds, had brunch with her and then left for jusco as we had nothing to do. At like 1 my dad picked me up and we went to check out how our MGB roadster was doing at the workshop, so we picked up my uncle and we went somewhere in larkin, where the garage was. Not many people in Malaysia know how to restore vintage cars, this guy was really good, he knew what he was doing, dad had confidence in him, dad doesn't usually trust people with his cars, so it was a good thing i reckon. Afterwhich we went out for lunch, had really good indian food at Muthu's in town, haven't had indian food in the longest time! The problem with indian food is that it tastes soo good, you stuff yourself, then you'll regret ever eating it as you're soo stuffed and you just don't wanna move!

Can't wait to sit for my damn "udang" my driving theory test, i don't really understand malay so it's gonna be a bitch when i get my test done up. My mocks start on monday!!! Monday's english, don't have to study for it, Tuesday's math, gonna be relatively easy, but wednesday i've got econs and chemistry, heavy heavy subjects in one day. Thursday i've got no exams so i guess i'm just gonna mug for my bio paper which is on friday:)

Well i've gotta write out my study plan for the week now. Good luck to those who are having mock exams.

Have a good one,

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Everyday's a new dayyy =D

Fuckin miss jess sooooo much, over the past year we spent alot of time together, my lil sista.

Turned out to be a pretty good day:) well everyday's a good day i reckon. Living, breathing, as long as you're feeling something, you're still living. May it be good or bad, happy or sad. I"ve got a lot of assignments due for economics, been utterly sedentary with my mind ever since my holidays started. Got the drive back again. Met Deeds for brunch today, initially we decided to skip our lessons and head off to city square, but then realised that i had an important english listening test, how gay can that be aye? Got DD to finally clean her car, it honestly needed a good wipe down. Now it's nice and shiny, with a satisfactory interior. Don't know how long that's going to last.

Got back to school, played a few rounds of table tennis with Colin, skipped my econs class completely, then spoke to Ms Meera who is one of the coolest lecturers in school, she was pretty frisky, had alot going on as it was her appraisal week. Hope she does get the job:) My english test went well i reckon, don't think i made any mistakes, or so i think ? Was thinking about that chick from the partayy i was at the other day. Have no clue on that matter.

Going out for lunch with Colin, Ken, Cindy and Kimberly tomorrow. Don't know kim though. It nice meeting new people i reckon. She seems nice, i guess, met her the other day at Ken's campfire. Have to start getting on with my books this weekend. Trial exams are up next week. Sigh.. Well....its school again i suppose. Lost some damn fun fair tickets which were forced upon me:S It's fuckin annoying when someone just shoves 20 tickets into your hand in a expect you to sell em!! Might set me back 200 bucks, bastards!!!!

Well, readers take care, and have a good evening. Wish me luck for my english test:)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

First ever blog post

This is my first ever blog post. I've never understood why people would want the entire world to know what's going on in their life? I reckon it's a means to vent whatever is caught up in one's brain, I guess i could do so too aye? Since i got back from Melbourne last year, my command of the english language has been decaying, my vocabulary used here is very limited, no one ever gets me when and if i do use words I'd normally use, at least I've got my dad. Enough said.

When i left school july last year, i had about a year to find myself, which indeed was utterly useful. I'd say me leaving school has been one of the best decisions in life, so far. It really grounded me, let me see things in retrospect. I've changed alot, from what i used to be, in the past. A better person now. Gone are the days of playin'. But i reckon, the rules of the game are still the same, play or BE played. Oh well, karma's a bitch.

Not too long ago, I had something going on with a girl, who i thought i knew well, but due to recent events, I should say otherwise. Never have i met anyone who could warp stories to their liking as much as she did. Skill? Or years of lies and deciet? I was never physically attracted to her, but when i got to "know" her better, she grew on me. She looked better everyday i saw her, that's just infactuation. I got too caught up in the moment. I'm a very happy person by nature, but ever since i started having feelings for her, my happiness was tainted. She had a knack of unloading her personal issues onto me, which i reckon, she and she alone can and should solve. She has never taken things into prespective, denial had set in.I finally had enough of her messing with everyones' lives, I decided to end things completely. Ending it off with a final note which had very many things i've always wanted to tell her and finally try to make her realise that the world indeed does not revolve around her, that she has to stop lying to everyone, especially to her own friends, and not to warp and distort information that would inturn make her look good. She honestly should get over herself, she's not that hot, as stated on the first sentence of this paragraph. It's all history. Wouldn't wanting the past repeating itself aye?

Shit Happens Embrace it :)

The other night at a mates' partayy i met someone nice. I think. Was really attracted to her, but i don't know if it was mutual? I would love to get to know her better but she might think that i'm a playa? Everyone does:S even my teachers at school do, ohh welll.....what am i to do? Everytime i meet someone really nice, this persona of me, evolved from a stereotype is always perceived upon me.

well i guess i've had my fair share of ranting today =D

cheers and have a good one;)