Tuesday, September 16, 2008

First ever blog post

This is my first ever blog post. I've never understood why people would want the entire world to know what's going on in their life? I reckon it's a means to vent whatever is caught up in one's brain, I guess i could do so too aye? Since i got back from Melbourne last year, my command of the english language has been decaying, my vocabulary used here is very limited, no one ever gets me when and if i do use words I'd normally use, at least I've got my dad. Enough said.

When i left school july last year, i had about a year to find myself, which indeed was utterly useful. I'd say me leaving school has been one of the best decisions in life, so far. It really grounded me, let me see things in retrospect. I've changed alot, from what i used to be, in the past. A better person now. Gone are the days of playin'. But i reckon, the rules of the game are still the same, play or BE played. Oh well, karma's a bitch.

Not too long ago, I had something going on with a girl, who i thought i knew well, but due to recent events, I should say otherwise. Never have i met anyone who could warp stories to their liking as much as she did. Skill? Or years of lies and deciet? I was never physically attracted to her, but when i got to "know" her better, she grew on me. She looked better everyday i saw her, that's just infactuation. I got too caught up in the moment. I'm a very happy person by nature, but ever since i started having feelings for her, my happiness was tainted. She had a knack of unloading her personal issues onto me, which i reckon, she and she alone can and should solve. She has never taken things into prespective, denial had set in.I finally had enough of her messing with everyones' lives, I decided to end things completely. Ending it off with a final note which had very many things i've always wanted to tell her and finally try to make her realise that the world indeed does not revolve around her, that she has to stop lying to everyone, especially to her own friends, and not to warp and distort information that would inturn make her look good. She honestly should get over herself, she's not that hot, as stated on the first sentence of this paragraph. It's all history. Wouldn't wanting the past repeating itself aye?

Shit Happens Embrace it :)

The other night at a mates' partayy i met someone nice. I think. Was really attracted to her, but i don't know if it was mutual? I would love to get to know her better but she might think that i'm a playa? Everyone does:S even my teachers at school do, ohh welll.....what am i to do? Everytime i meet someone really nice, this persona of me, evolved from a stereotype is always perceived upon me.

well i guess i've had my fair share of ranting today =D

cheers and have a good one;)

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