Saturday, September 20, 2008


This is the MGB, not the same one, have not taken pictures of it yet, but its almost identical

G'day people! I have not blogged in a few days, still getting used to this whole ideology. Life is goooood!! Well....had pretty good news from school yesterday, our math teacher was on medical leave, so 3 hours of math was canceled, how awesome is that? In addition, a whole topic was removed from our mock paper as he had not taught us differentiation, but i reckon that differentiation is easyyy? Left school early yesterday, like really early, went to jusco with colin, ken, steph and melissa. Went to the arcarde with ken and the pundek(colin) haha, played a few games of daytona and then some football game which was rather interesting. Had quite alot of fun:)
I also got a new watch which is fuckin sweet!! It's my new birthday present, sweet arse! Automatic skeletal watch which my dad picked up when he was in london 2 weeks ago. Thanks papa!!!

Well today, woke up at like 7, dad only got back from the market at 8 45, left home at 9 and then reached toast at quater past. My bahasa kebangsaan class starts at like 8 30 but i told my daddy that it started only at 9 30 :P sneaky to class at 10, 15 mintues later, the pundek asks me to go out for a cig break with him, we idle around after our smoke break, see DD and just walk about, as we're about to get in the lift, people tell us that its our break time. Got back into class cause of the bollocks heat, then we decide not to go to class anymore, hahaha how nice of us aye? Hung out with Deeds, had brunch with her and then left for jusco as we had nothing to do. At like 1 my dad picked me up and we went to check out how our MGB roadster was doing at the workshop, so we picked up my uncle and we went somewhere in larkin, where the garage was. Not many people in Malaysia know how to restore vintage cars, this guy was really good, he knew what he was doing, dad had confidence in him, dad doesn't usually trust people with his cars, so it was a good thing i reckon. Afterwhich we went out for lunch, had really good indian food at Muthu's in town, haven't had indian food in the longest time! The problem with indian food is that it tastes soo good, you stuff yourself, then you'll regret ever eating it as you're soo stuffed and you just don't wanna move!

Can't wait to sit for my damn "udang" my driving theory test, i don't really understand malay so it's gonna be a bitch when i get my test done up. My mocks start on monday!!! Monday's english, don't have to study for it, Tuesday's math, gonna be relatively easy, but wednesday i've got econs and chemistry, heavy heavy subjects in one day. Thursday i've got no exams so i guess i'm just gonna mug for my bio paper which is on friday:)

Well i've gotta write out my study plan for the week now. Good luck to those who are having mock exams.

Have a good one,

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