Sunday, September 21, 2008


It's been a pretty long day i reckon. Pretty darn knackered! Started off the day pretty late, got up at half past ten, had brunch with my dad at like 12 30 then went straight to school, needed to pick up some economics notes from Stephanie. Checked out the fun fair at school, which, in my opinion was not as great as i expected it to be, oh can't have everything done your way can you?
Hung out with Danbob, DD, KC(dd's brother who thinks he's a mat, honestly he does!), Syed's brother and David. Went to jusco permas, had lunch at KFC, chillaxed at starbucks, whislt having my cuppa. Afterwhich we got back home. Intended on doing past year exam papers, but never really started:( Well we started the MGB GT just awhile ago, drove it around the estate, without a license, i'm gonna be caught sometime soon lol When that day comes, i'll make sure i'd post it up.

Markus Friis a.k.a Mudu/Jewdu/Da Jew/Jew sauce has been back in Finland for the past 4 months, miss that bodo!! The zon days and the KS sessions along with the Bi-athalons we used to have are being missed

Was taken at danbob's gettin outta jail partayy

Well i have his phone with me, the nokia which im using at the moment, which initially had no working microphone, but i dropped it enough times, it actually started working again. Traded it was a pretty fair exchange, it was traded in for a pint of Strongbow Cider at muddies on new years eve. haha. I've just given up on phones, my phones get stolen/lost/damaged too fast, so i've just stuck to not buying any new phones:) Last year alone, i went through 5 phones, which in the course of 12 mths were missing. It's pretty messed up aye?Thank you Jewdu for the fair exchange!

In December last year, our family went back to england, we decided to go on a road trip. Before we got there, we thought that we were gonna be riding in our range rover, but upon arrival, parked in the foyer was a car, all covered up, i was wondering what it could be, thought it was my uncles car or something, of course, me being me, i took off the car cover, it was a fuckin brand new black Audi RS4. It was fuckin sweeeeeeettt!!!! My old man got a new toy for a xmas present!! Though the RS4's small, we didn't mind as it is one of the fastest saloons ever built, we went around the UK, stopping at beer gardens, getting wasted as a family :) haha never really gotten wankered as a family. I was my dad's co-pilot(navigator), dad doesn't really get along with technology, thank god for GPS, you don't ever have to read a map again! We drove from england to scotland and then down to Wales, taking scenic routes and through the midlands, which was absolutely breath taking! Don't really have many pictures with me on this computer but here's a picture we took at a castle in Edinborough, Scotland. Scotland's abosolutely gorgeous!!

Thats my mom and my brother
Spent alot of quality time as a family, had a blast, one of the most memorable family vacations ever, though we didn't leave the UK.

I've some random pictures which i'd like to show everyone. Okay....There's this guy from school, a total nutjob! His name's Wei Xian, he's in my course as he dropped out from the Jan intake, he's totally eccentric. He was okay, at the start, but became really pesky after like 4 days, so what i did was, i told him that some chick from class really liked him, and thought that he was HOT. He then was really anxious as no girl has ever liked him, i feel kinda mean for doing so but it was just for shits and giggles. The next day he told us that he couldn't sleep the night before as he kept thinking about the girl, couldn't keep a straight face when he said so. We told him to get the girls attention by calling out her name, he tried, but the girl totally ignored him, we told him that she really said it but she was rather shy about the whole matter. We then got him to write a "LOVE LETTER". What it had written in on it was :-

Hi My name is Tan Wei Xian
I was born of xx of March. 1990
I know you like me but you don't have to be shy
Please call me or sms me when you are free.
I will drop you off back home if you want me to.
my number is 016 xxx xxxx
wei xian

HAHAHAHA isn't this the funniest "LOVE LETTER" ever? gets even better! After our math class, he goes up to the girl, and says "I'm giving you 3 chances to come back with me"
The girl obviously was trying to ignore him, her friend replied instead, she said "even if you give her a 100 chances, she wouldn't go back with you"
He's was totally pwned!!! More actually did go on, after that day. A tale for another day

THAT's him on the right, i'll explain why this picture was taken this way, well thats a story for another time, don't wanna spoil the fun;)

Well readers hope that i didn't bore you with this post, i've to really get to my books, my trials start tomorrow! Well have a good week ahead!! Wish me luck!

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