Thursday, September 25, 2008


Happy Birthday Janice!! Thanks for inviting me:) Just want to apologise for all that drama i caused. Sorry for ruining the mood of the party. Got wayy too wankered off my nut. Totally blacked out, last i remembered was playing Kent and saying "Game On". Mariee told me all that went on, i guess i got a little wayy to overboard. Want to apologise to Jeremy as well, didn't mean for it to occur that way. Had a blast the other night as far as my memory serves me. Drank abit too much with sleep deprivation. Only had 3 hours of sleep the night before as i had exams in the morning. Shouldn't be using that as an excuse for anything. Didn't mean to offend anyone. My heart felt apologies to everyone involved.

Woke up the next morning, still absolutely drunk, with this acute pain on my forehead, was hurting like a bitch! Apparently i tried sitting down, completely missing the bed, and fell on my forehead. Don't know how i managed that, it would have been more possible if i fell backwards. Made such a fool of myself, Mariee said that it was entertaining. Oh well....."Shit happens, Embrace it". My philosophy in life. Thank you Aruna and Mariee and all those involved putting me to bed. I must have been snorring! Sorry again :) Really am.

Ken picked me up from Austin Hills, had lunch, and met Colin after that. Hung out at the big apple, and talked about stuff. Later that day we went to the driving range with Able, who's back from KL. Missed that fellow. Hit a few balls, was really hung over, wasn't in the right state to carry on, but Colin had fun hitting em balls. Went to church, to repent. Felt like a holy place would do me some good. After which, later on at night we hung out at Colins park, a nice place to just chill out, crashed at his, though i intended on going back home.

Was quite happy that Liverpool beat Everton 2-0 :]

A classic picture of the jewsauce and me at zon, the beautiful fountain where we used to chill at:)
Those were the days, though not too long ago, great times! I think that this was the day that i just got back from London, brought back like 12 dozen Krispy Kremes! Sandy ate like 10 of them even before leaving for eden. Miss that bugger too. Well hope to see Mudu over christmas if he does come back to JB. Most definately going to visit him next summer in Helsinki after my final exams. We'll experience all those things that Mudu talks about when he's back in Finland with his Finnish mates.

She's impeccable, indeed! You know who you are.

Like to apologise again for the blunder i caused the other night. I'm sorry.

Random thought, people in school are weird. Seriously!

Well i've rambled enough for now. Hope you enjoyed this post

Cheers, have an astounding evening ahead:)

xx xx

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