Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Everyday's a new dayyy =D

Fuckin miss jess sooooo much, over the past year we spent alot of time together, my lil sista.

Turned out to be a pretty good day:) well everyday's a good day i reckon. Living, breathing, as long as you're feeling something, you're still living. May it be good or bad, happy or sad. I"ve got a lot of assignments due for economics, been utterly sedentary with my mind ever since my holidays started. Got the drive back again. Met Deeds for brunch today, initially we decided to skip our lessons and head off to city square, but then realised that i had an important english listening test, how gay can that be aye? Got DD to finally clean her car, it honestly needed a good wipe down. Now it's nice and shiny, with a satisfactory interior. Don't know how long that's going to last.

Got back to school, played a few rounds of table tennis with Colin, skipped my econs class completely, then spoke to Ms Meera who is one of the coolest lecturers in school, she was pretty frisky, had alot going on as it was her appraisal week. Hope she does get the job:) My english test went well i reckon, don't think i made any mistakes, or so i think ? Was thinking about that chick from the partayy i was at the other day. Have no clue on that matter.

Going out for lunch with Colin, Ken, Cindy and Kimberly tomorrow. Don't know kim though. It nice meeting new people i reckon. She seems nice, i guess, met her the other day at Ken's campfire. Have to start getting on with my books this weekend. Trial exams are up next week. Sigh.. Well....its school again i suppose. Lost some damn fun fair tickets which were forced upon me:S It's fuckin annoying when someone just shoves 20 tickets into your hand in a expect you to sell em!! Might set me back 200 bucks, bastards!!!!

Well, readers take care, and have a good evening. Wish me luck for my english test:)

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